Showing 8 Result(s)


Every morning I wake up make a cup of coffee and mess about on my computer until I have to feed my dogs. Then I take my coffee to go investigate what all the plants are doing. Here were this mornings happeings. Rhipsalis crispata Rhipsalis ?? Probably Rhipsalis rhombea, the classification of this species was …

Around the House Updates

The gorgeous species Hatiora herminiae has bloomed A hidden bud on an unknown species, I suspect this is an albino form of Disocactus martianus. Found growing naturally in Mexico. I don’t know if the bud will make it though, I had to spray this down with alcohol to combat mealy bugs which love it. Disocactus …

Around the House Updates

Trying to make some babies out of Disocactus nelsonii & quezaltecus Disocactus hybrid blooms, a malformed ’Gold Coin’, ’Felcino Filou’, and ’Jalisco Beauty’. ’Chameleon’ and ‘Felcino Festival’ are still putting on a show as well. Schlumbergera hybrid blooms, ’Chiba Spot’, ’Thor Wild White’, ’White Rose’, ‘Sangeeta’, and ’Madame Butterfly’ (non-variegated) Coming soon, maybe… sometimes buds …

Indoor Winter Updates

First-time buds forming on the species Schlumbergera opuntioides First-time buds forming on the species Schlumbergera microsphaerica Rhipsalis baccifera subspecies mauritiana buds and Rhipsalis teres form prismatica buds and flowers New growth on the species Weberocereus frohningiorum Disocactus hybrid seedlings at ~ 1, 2, 3, and 4 years Buds forming on the Disocactus species biformis, unconfirmed …

Bud report!

Weird Schlumbergera (like me) Round Schlumbergera (a little like me) What all the round buds have in common is frilled petals Sexy Schlumbergera (also like me 🤣) Surprise Rhipsalis This is the first Rhipsalis I added to my collection, I’ve had it for three years and gave up hope it would ever bloom. Today I …

A peek around the house

The great migration took place over the last few weeks. Moving hundreds of plants from outside to inside is always a little bit of a chore. This year I built some window-hanging shelves. They turned out fantastic! They are better for the plants as it puts them right in the windows and they are made …

Around the yard updates

Mysterious Rhipsalis bloom. I bought it as R. dissimilis the bloom didn’t look correct from all the pictures I reviewed. It does appear that this is likely R. dissimils after all though. Buds starting on Rhipsalis baccifera ssp. unknown. A new addition to my collection, I’m excited the cuttings have started to produce new growth. …

Around the yard updates

Looks like Weberocereus bradei has a fruit forming! I tried to pollinate it with Weberocereus frohningiorum, but I’m not sure if it’s self-fertile, either way, that is exciting. Sadly W. frohningiorum’s pollination from W. bradei did not take. There are more Weberocereus flowers to come, fingers crossed I get lucky and manage to also pollinate …