I conceptualized and built this to add efficiency and transparency for an team member or external member who wanted to receive monitoring for their perspective areas of interest. The Marketing Cloud does not have many product solutions for global or user specific monitoring needs. Making use the SOAP API Describe method: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/describe.htm, it’s fairly easy…

Custom Inventory & Search – Salesforce Marketing Cloud
I conceptualized and built this to add efficiency and transparency for client and team. Generally clients requesting data would go through several hands Client -> Program Manager -> Support -> Data or Technical Architect -> Client. To resolve this I made use of the Marketing Cloud SOAP API: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/web_service_guide.htm There are complex relations added to…

CMS Template Builder – Salesforce Marketing Cloud
I conceptualized and built this to add efficiency to the team by removing repetitive manual tasks. CMS was created to manage templates and the various modules associated with each template. The template builder is drag and drop interface that allows a users to build a custom but standardized email template from any module available to…

Mobile Push Tester – Salesforce Marketing Cloud
I built this to provide client with ability to test mobile push messages before sending them. Tool was build in the Marketing Cloud as an application page, makes use of the Marketing Cloud REST API Push endpoints: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/createPushMessage.htm

Firefox Toolbar
Custom Firefox Toolbar designed to make QAing client emails more efficient and accurate. I conceptualized and built this to increase team productivity and quality. Features: Code Panel Syntax highlighting AMPscript HTML CSS Javascript Parse AMPscript Parse CSS Parse Doctype Parse Global Variables Parse Translation Script Parse Transactional Script Parse Tracking Script Parse AMPscript Content Areas…

Use Data to Draw Charts – Salesforce Marketing Cloud – View Data Sends, Opens, Clicks for Top Domains
I conceptualized and built this to proactively solve client issues.

Drawing a Send Timeline – Salesforce Marketing Cloud API
The Send object can be accessed through the SOAP API. The timeline is drawn with JS and Canvas. The Send API object contains more than just the sent count it contains several other aggregate metrics for jobs that aren’t available through any other means. My personal favorite is NumberErrored, this would display the number of subscribers who…

Drawing an Automation Timeline – Salesforce Marketing Cloud API
The ProgramInstance object can be accessed through the SOAP API. The timeline is drawn with JS and Canvas. **ProgramInstance is the API object that predated Automation studio, it still exists and has access to both legacy programs and automations. It does not have the same equals and in limited filter operators or simple filter restriction…

3D CSS3 Helix Animation (no ie)
Animation was created in pure CSS and HTML.

HTML5 Canvas Particle Force Animation
Pure JavaScript animation. The basic concept for these particle animations started with some basic physics after being curious what the terminal velocity of rain is. Originally code was written in 2013 in AS3 (Flash ActionScript 3).